Monday, July 25, 2011

Christmas in July

Remember that time when I wanted to "get into the habit" of posting regularly?

Me neither.

Anywho. So how are things going, you may ask? Well a very kind woman from my church helped me to put on a Christmas in July themed Pampered Chef show tonight to benefit my trip, and so far we have reached over $700 worth of sales! I don't expect a whole lot more than that to come in, but orders can still be placed online up until the end of the month. However, what that $700 dollars comes out to in the end, once all the percentages are figured out is a $250 check for me! That's pretty good for just spending a night with friends eating yummy food, if you ask me! And they all get new nifty kitchen gadgets! Win, win, WIN. So the money from this show has officially pushed me up and over the halfway point; I have now raised enough money to wire to Germany to cover the cost of the lecture phase.

Applause! Rejoicing! Dancing! General merriment all around!

I have been extremely blessed this summer, I never thought I would be able to raise this much this quickly! Thank you again for all the support, I appreciate every cent and every prayer and every thought, it means more than the world to me.

I really could not ask for a better "Christmas" present. :)

Love and peace,

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